4/9 IIC Chicago Events “Anorexia The Real Causes: Blood Types and Trauma”

4/9 IIC Chicago Events “Anorexia The Real Causes: Blood Types and Trauma”
Thursday, April 09, 2015
“Anorexia. The Real Causes”: Author Lorenzo Bracco, MD
in Conversation with author and journalist Dario Voltolini
Dr. Bracco will speak about his book, “Anorexia. The Real Causes,” which presents leading-edge innovative solutions for the understanding and cure of a pathology that is steadily growing in today’s world. Dario Voltolini will speak about the inspiring story of his daughter, who suffered from anorexia and went on to enjoy a healthy life. “Anorexia: The Real Causes,” which received the Cesare Pavese Award 2013 for nonfiction medical writing, proposes an original solution for the prevention and treatment of female adolescent anorexia. Dr. Bracco offers a new hypothesis: anorexics consistently show an unacknowledged disparity between the daughter’s blood group and that of her mother. It is also important to take into account the now widely recognized fact that several concurrent causes trigger the onset of anorexia and eating disorders—primary among them are prenatal intrauterine traumas and traumas in the first months of life. Dr. Bracco’s unified theory and practical solutions frame known causes of anorexia within a pioneering perspective that brings forth new ways to solve this complex and dramatic problem.
Lorenzo Bracco MD, is an Italian physician living in Turin. He integrates a vast knowledge of medicine, psychotherapy, and nutrition to form a truly a holistic view of the human being. He has devoted himself to the understanding and cure of eating disorders.
Dario Voltolini is a writer, freelance journalist, songwriter, and creator of radio programs for RAI Radio. He lives in Turin and has a degree in Philosophy. He is the former Director, with Alessandro Baricco, of the school, “Scuola Holden – Storytelling and Performing Arts”. Both as a patient and a co-author, Dario has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with Dr. Bracco. Their books, “DA COSTA A COSTA. Cronistoria di un viaggio per mare”, (2012) and “OLTRE LE COLONNE D’ERCOLE. Viaggio per mare e per terra nel tempo e nella conoscenza” were submitted for the prestigious Premio Strega in 2013 and 2014.
“ANOREXIA The Real Causes: Blood Types and Trauma”, by Lorenzo Bracco.
The book received in Italy the Cesare Pavese Award 2013 for nonfiction medical writing. “Dr. Lorenzo Bracco’s ANOREXIA The Real Causes: Blood Types and Trauma presents leading-edge innovative solutions for the understanding and cure of a pathology that is steadily growing in today’s world.” Anorexia integrates Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing® a naturalistic approach to the resolution of shock trauma, Dr. Laurence Heller’s NeuroAffective Relational Model™ a model for the resolution of developmental trauma, Peter D’Adamo’s Blood Type Diet, and the Ecological Niche Diet®, Dr. Bracco’s diet based on the evolutionary ecological nature of nutrition and life style.
In addition, Dr. Bracco offers a new hypothesis: anorexics consistently show an unacknowledged disparity between the daughter’s blood group and that of her mother. Anorexia proposes an original solution for the prevention and treatment of female adolescent anorexia.
Dr. Bracco’s unified theory and practical solutions frame known causes of anorexia within a pioneering perspective that brings forth new ways to solve this complex and dramatic problem.
LORENZO BRACCO MD, is an Italian physician living in Turin. He is a specialist in physical medicine and he holds a Diploma in Orthopedic Medicine and Manual Therapy from the University of Paris VI. He is also a psychotherapist, member of FF2P, France, and of the European Register for Psychotherapist (ERP, Vienna). He holds a Certificate of European Psychotherapy (ECP, Vienna), an International Diploma of Gestalt-Therapy (EPG, Paris), and a two-year Master in Brief Strategic Therapy (Arezzo). He is a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner and NeuroAffective Relational Model™ Practitioner. He is also a graduate in philosophy (University of Turin, IT).
Free and open to the public. In Italian with English translation.
Date: Thursday, April 09, 2015
Hours: 6:00 p.m.
Site: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago – 500 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611
Organized by: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago
The book is available on Amazon:

Predictive and Preventive Medicine for Anorexia of Female Adolescents P4 Medicine: Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Participatory

Looking for Partner for scientific research on the correlation of different blood types (0,A,B,AB) between mother/daughter and Anorexia of the Female Adolescent

Inclusion criteria for group of girls suffering from anorexia and for control group of girls without eating disorders for research about Dr. Lorenzo Bracco’s new theory

University of Malta Department of Psychology Presentation by Dott. Lorenzo Bracco Date: Tuesday 12th December 2017 Time: 12pm – 2pm Venue: Psychology Lab
4/9 IIC Chicago Events “Anorexia The Real Causes: Blood Types and Trauma”