Care & Industry together against Corona 30 March 31 Dec 2020

Care & Industry together against Corona 30 March 31 Dec 2020

Other / Solution seeker


Our mission is to prevent and treat anorexia of the female adolescent, Asperger syndrome, other disorders and health emergencies to improve well being of individuals.



Covid-19, Type II Alveolar Cells and Surfactant


In the case of a Covid-19 lung infection, the virus infects type II alveolar cells which consequently reduce the production of pulmonary surfactant. The surfactant has the function of reducing the surface tension of the alveoli. The less pulmonary surfactant there is, the more the alveoli tend to collapse due to the increased surface tension of their surface. Consequently, the lung would tend to collapse, that is, to reduce its own volume, but collapse is prevented by the muscular movement of inspiration, which instead increases its volume. This means that a “low- pressure area” is created in the interstitial space which attracts liquid and substances which are often inflammatory and which organize over time, giving rise to interstitial pneumonia. I propose to administer the pulmonary surfactant to the patient Covid-19 during assisted ventilation. This technique is routinely used in preterm infants suffering from lack of pulmonary surfactant production due to the immaturity of type II alveolar cells, pending that once matured these cells produce it autonomously. Similarly, the administration of surfactant during Covid-19 lung infection would allow the correct amount of surfactant to be maintained during the acute phase of the infection and would give time for type II alveolar cells to heal and independently resume surfactant production.


Operational testing


Solution developer seeks end-user to co-develop



For safer vaccinations against viral pathologies

PATENT US Patent & Trademark Office: Culture medium of viruses for human vaccines have to consist of human cells from placenta and/or from umbilical cord of a fetus of the blood type 0 Rh- and of the mother of the blood type 0 Rh- (both, fetus and mother, must be of the blood type 0 Rh-) Appl. No.: 15/874030 Filed: January 18, 2018 Read more: Autism, Blood Types and Vaccines Research Article ISSN 2639-944X Journal of Medical – Clinical Research & Reviews Received: 30 October 2019; Accepted: 18 November 2019 Citation: Bracco Lorenzo. Autism, Blood Types and Vaccines. J Med – Clin Res & Rev. 2019; 3(6): 1-3. Bracco Lorenzo* Medical Doctor, Specialist in Physiatry, Psychotherapist *Contacts: Dott. Lorenzo Bracco, Lorenzo Bracco Foundation, Corso Marconi 37, 10125 Torino, Italy, Tel: +39 011 6688992 Mobile: +39 3331632321 email:

Looking for

Joint development – Knowledge transfer – Others




Posted on

27 June 2020

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